Are you “doing it all”?
You’ve got the supplements, the clean eating, increased your protein intake, the saunas, cold therapy, breath work, meditations, seed cycling, Pilates, trying to get good sleep, good doses of natural light—the list goes on & on.
You’re hustling to tick every wellness girlie box, yet your body still feels off. Your mind is fried, you’re exhausted, and those damn luteal phase symptoms keep showing up like an unwanted guest.
What gives?
This was me—when I first decided to take full ownership of my health. I was doing it all, determined to fix my body, balance my hormones, and feel like the unstoppable woman I knew I could be. And honestly, it worked. To a point.
My cycle regulated, most of my symptoms disappeared, and yet… something still wasn’t right…
I felt lonely.
There was this story running on repeat in my head: I don’t have anyone. I can’t rely on anyone. It’s all on me.
At the time, I was learning about how neurotransmitters like oxytocin—yes, the “love hormone”—interact with the menstrual cycle. And suddenly, it all clicked. That looping narrative of being unsupported wasn’t just in my head; it was wreaking havoc on my body.
Progesterone: The Main Character
When it comes to your cycle, progesterone is the hormone everyone talks about. And for good reason—it’s the star of the show. Progesterone keeps your cycle smooth, your mood balanced, and your luteal phase (the week or so before your period) from feeling like a chaotic rollercoaster.
Here’s the thing: progesterone can’t do its job alone. It needs a calm, cortisol-free environment to thrive. Enter oxytocin, the unsung hero of your hormonal health.
While progesterone is the main character, oxytocin is the best supporting actress. It’s quietly working behind the scenes to create the conditions where progesterone can shine.
Without enough oxytocin, cortisol runs the show, and progesterone takes a back seat. This is why, even when you’re doing everything “right” to support your cycle, you can still feel burnt out, irritable, and out of sync if you’re ignoring your emotional and relational health.
Oxytocin: The Quiet Power Player
Oxytocin is often called the “love hormone,” but its role goes far beyond warm fuzzy feelings. It’s like a regulatory switchboard for your nervous system, stress hormones, and overall cycle health. It reduces cortisol, promotes feelings of safety, and allows your body to rest, repair, and regenerate.
But here’s the kicker: oxytocin doesn’t magically appear. It’s produced in response to feelings of connection, trust, and support. When you’re stuck in a hyper-independent, “I don’t need anyone” mindset, your oxytocin levels plummet—and your body feels it.
That was my reality. I could follow every protocol, track every phase, and eat all the “right” foods, but as long as I clung to that unsupported narrative, my body couldn’t fully thrive.
Are You “Doing It All” but Still Struggling?
This is the story I hear from so many women:
You’re tired.
You’re burnt out.
You’re still battling PMS, bloating, mood swings, and fatigue—even though you’re putting in all the effort.
When I ask, “Do you feel supported? By yourself? By the people around you?” the answer is usually the same: no.
Here’s the brutal truth: if you don’t feel supported, your body knows it. And without that sense of safety and connection, oxytocin stays low, cortisol stays high, and your progesterone can’t do its job.
The result? Luteal phase hell, irregular cycles, and a body that feels like it’s fighting against you.
Rewriting the Script
Rewiring this mindset isn’t easy. That belief—I can’t rely on anyone—was ingrained in me for years. But healing starts with the way you speak to yourself and the way you show up for your own life.
If this resonates, here’s where you start:
Show Up for Yourself First
Are you treating yourself with the same care you’re giving to your protocols? Are you resting, playing, nurturing your mind and body? Or are you bulldozing through your own needs just to get them done?
Let Yourself Be Supported
Ask for help. Say yes when someone offers to lend a hand. Let yourself receive—a compliment, a hug, or even just a moment to breathe.
Flip the Script
When the thought “I don’t have anyone” pops up, call it out. Replace it with: I am supported, and I’m open to receiving even more. Say it until you believe it.
Build Oxytocin Rituals
Dance. Laugh. Hug your pet. Be around people who make you feel alive. These small moments trigger oxytocin and remind your body that it’s safe to relax.
From Survival to Thriving
When I finally let go of the belief that I had to do it all, everything shifted. My luteal phase became easier. My symptoms faded. My body finally responded to the support I allowed myself to feel—both from others and from within.
And that’s the magic: your body isn’t working against you. It’s responding to the environment you create for it. The question isn’t “Am I doing enough?” but “Am I allowing enough?” Enough support, connection, and moments of ease to let my body feel safe enough to heal.”
Here’s where it starts:
Are you truly supporting yourself, or are you stuck in “doing mode”?
Are you letting connection into your life, or are you blocking it off with stories that no longer serve you?
What story are you telling yourself, and is it helping or hurting you?
Stop trying to do it all. You’re not meant to.
Here’s the truth: Progesterone may be the lead role in regulating your cycle, but oxytocin is the foundation that makes the whole system work. Without it, your body is stuck in survival mode—holding onto stress, suppressing balance, and blocking the healing it so desperately wants to do for you.
With oxytocin, you give yourself permission to move out of survival and into thriving. It’s not just a hormone; it’s the key to unlocking your body’s innate ability to regulate, restore, and thrive.
So, what’s the next step? It’s not adding more to your to-do list. It’s not another protocol or supplement.
It’s choosing to:
Ask for support.
Let yourself receive.
Rewrite the story.
You’re not weak for needing connection. You’re not lazy for resting. And you’re certainly not failing because you can’t do it all.
In fact, choosing not to do it all is the most radical act of healing you can take.
So let yourself lean back, soften, and remember this: Your body is on your side. All it’s asking for is a little love and support to do what it’s already designed to do.
You’ve got this.